How can I make changes to the Invoices settings? Going to Settings -> Sales -> Invoices Invoices Prefix Is the prefix that is at the ...
Sales settings – Estimates
How can I make changes to the estimates settings? Going to Settings -> Sales -> Estimates Estimates Prefix is the prefix that is at the ...
How can I control clients settings?
How can I change the access permissions for clients? You can change the permissions available to the client as shown in the following ...
File extensions allow to upload
What file extensions are allow to upload? We specify the file extensions available to be uploaded to the system for all members, admin, ...
Change the main default settings of the system
How can I change the main settings of the system? You can change the main settings of the system by going to Settings ...
System Settings
How can I change the system settings? You can adjust the system settings. You can do this by heading to the wheel located ...
What is the Leads Panel?
What are panel leads and how do they work? This panel helps you to record the data of the prospects who communicate with ...
Clients Panel
What is a Clients panel? Through this part of the system, you can manage the profile and accounts of clients and their agents, ...
How do I use the dashboard?
Payment widget: Through the dashboard, you can see the most important statistics for your business. You can view the amount of payments for the ...